The Medlin Law Firm

The Medlin Law Firm

Criminal Defense Law
1300 S University Dr #318
Fort Worth, TX
Our law firm in Fort Worth Texas is driven with one simple goal in mind and that is to deliver the best possible result on every case we represent.


Facing criminal charges can be one of life's most challenging experiences, especially when it comes to DUI allegations in Fort Worth, Texas. At The Medlin Law Firm, we recognize the gravity of these situations and offer dedicated legal services designed to navigate these turbulent times with confidence and clarity. Our attorneys specialize in DUI defense, providing clients with thorough representation backed by a thorough knowledge of Texas law and courtroom procedures. When selecting a Fort Worth Criminal Attorney, you're not just choosing someone to represent you; you're choosing an advocate who will stand by your side at every turn—someone as invested in your case as you are yourself. This is precisely what The Medlin Law Firm offers: personalized attention combined with aggressive defense strategies aimed at protecting your freedom and reputation. Our commitment is clear—to serve our client's best interests through meticulous preparation and steadfast legal advocacy. Reach out today so we can begin crafting the robust defense you deserve.

Other Details

Contact Person Name:
Gary Medlin
Business Entity Type:
Sole Proprietorship
Licensed, Bonded and Insured Business:
Business Established Date:
No of Employees:
Payment Methods:
Branch Office (Business in Different Locations):

Products or Services

Our Products or Services:
Criminal Law Defense, DWI Defense, DUI Defense, Theft Defense, Domestic Violence Defense, Possession Defense, Drug Defense, Marijuana Defense, Felony Defense, Assault Defense


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